Saturday, December 2, 2017

Turning Theory Into Practice, Politically Speaking

Since the beginning of this year, I've spoken with hundreds of people in Collin County who have had no interactions with the Democratic Party or have made attempts to with little to no reply. I've interviewed dozens of progressive leaders who have expressed similar sentiment.

With hundreds of people saying this candidly, I have to wonder how many of the tens of thousands of registered Democrats in Collin County feel similarly? And, in light of Democrats not winning offices in decades, I wonder how many of the (over) half a million registered voters in Collin County expect much from Democratic Party at all?

A few months ago, I recommended a brief overview of a plan that embraced this fundamental need for change to local party leadership. One of the core components of the recommendation is the creation and implementation of a written Strategic Development Plan.

To ensure its functionality for short and long term initiatives, the plan is phased. The phasing also allows for adequate input from an Executive Steering Committee, the County Executive Committee, and, most importantly, input from the community at large. This infrastructure re-development initiative will then transition into the written Strategic Development Plan.

The written plan will be a living document, serving as a template for future county party leaders and volunteers to fall back on as needed. Nearing one million people, Collin County grows and changes daily. And this plan will allow the party the opportunity to continuously redevelop the role the Democratic Party, the party of the people.

Over the next few weeks and into the new year, I'll release more of plan specifics. Here are some highlights for now:

Infrastructure Redevelopment Initiative:

Redeveloping the party's infrastructure will assist in providing a vision to guide the party, help find better ways to unify activities with the community-at-large, and, ultimately, help the party win offices. Some key components of this phase of development include creating:
  • Strategic Development Plan
  • Vision Statement
  • Revamped Mission Statement
  • Revamped Leadership Model
  • Executive Steering Committee
  • New and Revamped Action Committees
  • Committee Guides
  • Operations Management Initiatives
  • Administrative Guidelines
  • Training Guides
  • Volunteer Guides

Strategic Development Plan:

Once an effective infrastructure is established, a comprehensive written Strategic Development Plan for continuous improvement will be set in motion. This involves redirecting our operations management and practicing continuous improvement exercises all while still honoring the Democratic Party agenda. Some key components of this phase of development include implementing:
  • Regular Strategic Planning Reviews
  • Leadership Retreats
  • Volunteer Appreciation Programs
  • Train-The-Trainer Programs
  • Educational Program Outreach
  • Community Outreach Initiatives
  • Legislative Affairs Management
  • Political Activism Coordination
  • Public Relations Initiatives
Are you ready for progress? Progress takes change.

#ProgressTakesChange #Vision #Unity #Empowerment #CollinCountyDemocraticPartyChair